Thursday, December 16, 2010

On Jon Favreau leaving Iron Man 3

The news came out today, Dec 15th (yesterday by the time I post this) that Favreau will be not be continue his work of the Iron Man series into the 3rd film.  Speculation is of course flying around with everything and everything as to why he is leaving.  Publicly he has said that he has no idea where the movie is supposed to go after the Avengers movie, and maybe he is being honest, who knows.

 He is still down, as of now, as an executive producer of The Avengers movie.  Maybe he will drop out of that movie as well, I don't know.  I fear why he is leaving. That he doesn't think he can deliver something good, but if he can't, who will be able too.  Iron Man 2 was definitely not the best movie that it could be. It was missing to much, to many things that should have been done better. 

I'm am starting to feel that that it maybe time for Nolan and/or Bale to leave the Batman series.  Dark Knight was a great movie, but with some things in the movie, I'm not sure they will over come them to make a movie just as good.  Honestly, without Heath Ledger's Joker, that movie would not have been nearly as good. 

After a couple of franchise movies, it probably is a good time to step away.  Just look at Spider-Man 3, a terrible movie, but 1 and 2 were pretty good. That third movie can be a just a bit too hit or miss. I used to enjoy a good Sam Raimi movie. Evil Dead/Army of Darkness series are great, but now I worry about other Raimi movies.

Favreau will continue to make some good movies, it just won't be an Iron Man movie.  Since its Christmas Time, go ahead and watch Elf sometime in the next two weeks.  That is if you haven't seen it on tv the hundreds of times it has already been on.


  1. Nolan took on the Batman movies specifically because he didn't want to do Inception without getting some big-production experience first. But now he's done Inception. "What now?" is definitely a question left unanswered, but I think he has enough professional pride to do his best on another Batman film. At least I hope that he does. But any more than one film would be pushing luck.

    I didn't see any Iron Man film yet ... sorry. Is there any other factor distracting Favreau besides The Avengers?

  2. He isn't even really working on Avengers, just a Producers. Whedon is the director for Avengers. I think I heard he just wanted to do something else that was "bigger" kind of like Nolan with Inception. I think the third Batman will be alright right now, but I'm definitely concerned.
